Arizona Cosmetology License

Arizona Cosmetology License

Thinking of becoming a cosmetologist in Arizona or moving there, and wondering what the requirements are? Or maybe you need to check if someone is a licensed cosmetologist? The Arizona State Board of Cosmetology license lookup offers the simplest way to check if someone is licensed. In the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology license official website you can apply for your own license.

How do I transfer my cosmetology license to Arizona?

To work in Arizona and appear on the Arizona cosmetology license lookup lists, you should obtain Arizona Cosmetology License.
If you are licensed in another state or country, or graduated from a school that offers a cosmetology course substantially similar to the requirements of the State of Arizona and passed the board approved cosmetology examination, you will need to submit an application for a cosmetologist license. Also, you will need to pay $165 for reciprocity and for the Infection Protection and Law class.

If you have a current, active and in good standing license in another state or country, it will be easier for you to obtain Arizona Cosmetology License. You should print the application, attach all the required documents and send to the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology.
If you completed the education in another state or your license is expired, you still may qualify for reciprocity by examination.

Do you need a license to do hair in Arizona?

If the services you are going to provide don’t include applying reactive chemicals to permanently straighten, curl or alter the structure of the hair, and you will dry, style, curl using iron you may work without Arizona Cosmetology License. But, in that case, you will need to complete a class relating to sanitation, infection protection and law review that is provided by the Arizona Board of Cosmetology. If you decide not to apply for the license and provide the above mentioned services, you should notify your clients that the provided services are not regulated by the Board.

How long does it take to get a cosmetology license in Arizona?

The amount of time it takes to get your license depends on how long it takes you to complete the required hours. You need to completed 3,000 hours – minimum 250 to 288 hours of related instruction.

After completing the hours, you will have to submit an application to take the exams.

Besides, you will need to renew your Arizona Cosmetology License every two year and pay for it $60. It may take 3 to 4 weeks to process all applications.

What can estheticians do in Arizona?

As the skincare routines are a big part of the women life the estheticians are going to have more and more big roles in their lives.

The services that an esthetician can provide in Arizona include but are not limited with massaging, cleansing, applying oils, creams, or other preparations, arching or tinting eyebrows and eyelashes, waxing, etc.

If you want to become an aesthetician in Arizona, you should:

  • Complete an Aesthetics Training Program
  • Complete an Application for Examination
  • Register to Take the Examinations for Esthetician Licensure in Arizona.
Elen G

Elen G

Elen is an English-Armenian-Russian translator and interpreter. But recently she tested her skills in content writing. According to her words, it's her new passion. Elen finds it more interesting to make searches and write content rather than look through the dictionaries to find a good synonym for a word. She hopes, that she will succeed in this field too, and will continue to grow and learn every day.